miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2008

So long....

And so is on...
Time pass us by. While you tenderly take my hand, nothing serious just a "blind date". Your heart meeting mine, your eyes looking through my soul, what else could happen?
Nothing to say. Everything. Nothing.Everyone.No one. As you kiss me behind that tree, i asked you..why you take so long?.
It was the time when I need you more than I though...Stop! You're becoming my number one, or maybe you've been my only one all this time. Did i was so blind? Did you was so busy?


El año se acaba, señores. ¿Qué decir al respecto? Definitivamente el 2008 sobrepaso muchas de mis expectativas.
Enero: no fue el mejor cumpleaños, ¡demonios! solo una vez se cumple 21, porque no lo pense antes. No fué mi culpa. En fin, no todo estuvo perdido mis amigos estuvieron conmigo, y aunque estuve mucho tiempo en el hoyo de la desesperación, rayos debió ser horrible tener que soportarme asi, ¿verdad? ni pex..para que tiene una amiga tan clavada e intensa en el rollo amoroso.
Febrero: como diria la onda vaselina...llego san valentin, cumple de thalis, el dia de la bandera jajaja que mas puedo decir. Estuvo dos tres...mejor que años anteriores pero con algunos problemas extranjeros que me traian frita pero gracias a mi audaz método de "soy invisible", super may salió victoriosa nuevamente.
Marzo: Ja! pues claro, su mes, y ustedes creen que yo no me mataria con la siempre útil galleta maria remojada en leche caliente, cortate la vena..y las tontas pero que sinceras y atinadas rolas cursis y melosas de grupos que en mi vida habia escuchado, pero que ese mes, jajaja eran mi biblia auditiva.
Abril: yeah! mes del escuincle...no recibi regalo..nada mas por que uno cumple la mayoria de edad en todo el mundo, la gente se cree con derecho de ignorar mi niña interior!...sinceramente, tengo un inmenso abismo en esemes...supongo que jajaja lo he bloqueado..
Mayo: mes del trabajo....fue cumple de..Soyuz, cuenta..? Nada en especial..
Muy bien llevamos casi la mitad del año...seamos sinceros no seguire contando que hice mes a mes, simplemente diré que el año me impresiono. Aprendí a golpes y muchas lágrimas que todo tiene una razón y es de sabios cambiar de opinión.
Quiero mucho más a todos mis cuates, a los nuevos y los que han estado alli ya mas de 3 años..(si x q tengo mi maldición personal, y mis amigos saben cual es)a mi familia, a mis novios platonicooooooooos!! jajaja. El año cierra muy caótico, pero alla vamos 2009...22 años entonces..nada fácil, pero nada tan imposible como para gozarlo al máximo.
LOS AMO! Y RECUERDEN:"Una vez que me conoces, es imposible olvidarme" May jajaja

jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2008

The moon

Él la miró. Ella asentó. Era como si el cielo se abriera en dos. Hace un año el sentimiento era el mismo, o tal vez, peor. Nunca comprendió, realmente nunca se detuvó a pensar en los hubiera y los porques. Miró su reloj, tomó la taza de café y miró a través de la ventana de aquél café. Existia algo, o alguien. Que mas daba, finalmente la situación era la misma. El aire frío de invierno, como aquél diciembre de 1994, cuando su padre le regaló a Susana, la muñeca de grandes ojos café y trenzas multicolor. Recordar como la miraba y jugaba con sus largas trenzas mientrás ambas sonreían,mientrás su madre horneaba un par de panqueques en la cocina, era lo último que ella guardaba muy dentro de su corazón.
Ayer, alguien le dijó que los ángeles existian. Hoy, ella rió como niña, al recordar el comentario de aquél joven en el parque. Ayer creyó alcanzar la luna, robarla y guardala como su más grande tesoro, retenerla en el cofre morado de su abuela. Hoy, se sabe una mujer, los problemas crecen y la luna hoy no saldrá, tal vez mañána logré robarla al final. Hoy, simplemente hoy no.

viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2008

El halo de luna

Disparó. Sentado bajo aquella mampara del viejo café italiano, miró una y otra vez hacia la calle paralela. Aquella noche, la luna resplandecía bajo el halo mágico de quien nace por segunda vez. Como él que sabe lo que continua después del acto preparatorio, se levantó, miro al cielo y recordó aquella manaña en que su abuelo, hombre supersticioso y de caminar cansado, le regaló aquel diente de elefante que ahora pendía de su cuello. ¿Cuantó habrá sufrido el viejo?-pensó.
Su abuelo, si bien nunca fue el pariente más cercano, los últimos días de su vida sembró en él aquello que hasta el día de hoy, lo atormentaba en debates interiores sin fin. Algunas mañana se levantaba, poco antes de las tres entre gritos y manazos al aire,sudaba frío. El sueño... siempre él mismo.
La noche caí como poco a poco la esperanza de ver el sol de día, llenaban sus ojos de lágrimas. Todo estaba perdido. ¿Volver? imposible. ¿Huir?, no tenía nada, pero sobretodo no tenia a ¡Nadie!
Un rayo de luna, dibujó el rostro de alguien a quien la vida debe tanto y quien sabe que las deudas de juego, por mas sagradas que sean, la vida nunca paga.
Disparó. La lluvia paró. La luna reflejada en la callejuela, iluminó aquellos ojos rígidos de dolor, de un color magestuosamente rojizo. Nada. Simple acto reflejo. No había tiempo, nunca existió el tiempo. Aquel hombre, a quien su abuelo una noche de mayo, contó la historia del halo de luna, siguió lo que hasta ahora cobraba fin... La muerte, no es más que un halo, un halo rojizo de luna de mayo. Sí al mirar, tus sentidos se agudizan, si tu alma regresa al estado primitivo de un animal en caza, el tiempo no existirá más. Debes cambiar, el trueque de hoy por un mañana, o tal vez un hoy que no es más que un ayer colandosé en un futuro intermedio entre el ahora y el aquí.
La callejuela en silencio. La lluvió comienza ha evaporarse. No queda nada, más que el charco de sangre de alguien, que los vecinos y traseuntes miran asombrados, mitad elefante, mitad hombre. En la mano-animal, una pistola. Sonrié mirando al cielo y nadie entiende porque. "Era un vagabundo", " Llamen al padre". ¿Para qué? El hombre encerrado en aquella piel grisacea respira, es libre por primera vez, mientrás la callejuela se pierde en su mirada ya lejana.

lunes, 31 de marzo de 2008


Entre el amor y del desamor

Cuantó te he buscado
buscandót estuve alla donde no hay nada
haber si estabas
estaba mirando algo donde todo está
cuando alguien me preguntó, como si realmente le importará,
que andaba yo buscando
estaba buscandoté allá
donde las preguntas llegan con sus respuestas
y de antemano se sabe
que así se´`a y hay que disimular para no aburrir
hasta que me pareció mejor
dejar de lado la búsqueda
y disfrutar alerta y seguro
de está disposición
aí comprendí que hay cosas
que llegan y nunca más se van
y otras que llegan y se van
en cualquier momento
y las peores cosas porque son
como si todo lo fueran
que antes de llegar se fueron ya
y despuès de irse todavía no se van
y uno se queda desconcertado
y uno se queda solo esperando
o los más confiados
se ponen a buscar
hasta que llega alguien a preguntar,
como si relmente le importara,
que anda buscando usted.

Tola de Habich, Francisco, Poemas Alemanes,Libros del bicho, Premia editora: México, pág. 27

martes, 18 de marzo de 2008

What have you done now

I know I'd better stop trying
You know that there's no denying
I won't show mercy on you now

I know I should stop believing
I know that there's no retrieving
It's over now
What have you done

What have you done now

I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away
What have you done now
Why, Why does fate make us suffer
There's a curse between us
Between me and you

What have you done x4
What have you done now
What have you done x4
What have you done now

Would you mind if I killed you
Would you mind if I tried to
Cause you have turned into my worst enemy
You carry hate that I feel
It's over now
What have you done

What have you done now

I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away
What have you done now
Why, Why does fate make us suffer
There's a curse between us
Between me and you

What have you done x4
What have you done now
What have you done x4
What have you done now

I will not fall
Won't let it go
We will be free
When it ends

I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away
What have you done now
Why, Why does fate make us suffer
There's a curse between us
Between me and you

miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2008


Is the emptiness at this room...the reflection of a scene I’ve know for years. Is the lil botlle, is the big bad guy, is the poster of my past and the letters of my friends.
I’ve never cry for a good reason, until tonight. Look at my face, the simple smile is cover it again, the lonely eyes and this terrible headache make me feels spaced out all the time.
Hello! its my imaginary friend...telling we are not broken...we dont need to be fix..we are just numb...but we still have eachother. If right now, can you hear me...wotever u are...i’ll ask you...did u know me?...did you really look inside me and understand the puzzle of my soul? And if you answer yes, pliz...explain me again...because I barely understood wot is to be me...I need reasons but not choices I would make the same mistake...I would choose the wrong way...
Hello! its my lil mind...oh! this dizzy feeling...and this earthquake with my thoughts...I miss the picture of my life...I’m so scared to never move into the next room...I’ve never speak so loud and so dumb since I took that pen and wrote you a love song. 1,2,3...1,2,3...I’m so high...I’m so numb...I’m so tired...
Hello! Its my heart...oh! that dumb, gooffy,dizzy,lazy ghost of my soul...Shhh! Its still recovering for the last war...so lets keep in silence..maybe someday he’ll speak out wot he really saw that night...
Its no the emptiness...is no that my world turns purple...is not my arm bleeding..is no the couple of my hearths as the scar in my hand...is not even the last kiss...the last letter...or the last friend...is just the time..the season...the feeling that hasnt finish...the clock that stills working...and the hello-goodbbye note you wrote and leave it outside my door.

Promise me

Just appear one day..In the middle of the night...maybe outside my home...near my friends...who cares? Just come and talk to me....ur not easy to find...The more i search you..the more you hide...maybe, is no the right time to be together...maybe u are with someone else....but if tonight can u make a promise, one that u can keep...promises me..sooner or later ur gonna be on my way...ur gonna take my hand, hug me and kiss me. So then, im just gonna be that lil girl who falls in love with you, im gonna be that one who dreams and live for you...

time? time is not gonna matter as long as you appear one day...if only you can make ur way cross with mine...if only you appear soon...ill just tell u how much i love you...I need to see a face, a friendly face...i need a lover hand...a confident smile and a body that promises me to keep my hearth safe. Doesnt matter when or how, ur not easy to find in the middle of the street...
promises me...if tonight u can think and dream with me,...promises me with your heart one day! we are gonna meet....and that day...ur gonna fall in love with me...while i tell you how much i have been waiting you....

sábado, 1 de marzo de 2008


¿Quien eres?
No te conozco...te perdi la pista años atras. ¿Me quieres aún?
Callate! tu respuesta podria lastimarme....No debo siquiera pensar en ti...es solo que...
lo sé fueron demasiadas promesas...demasiados besos...pero nos faltaron los te quiero....

¿Ella te ama? ¿Será la misma? No me toques!, me lastiman tus manos...me queman tus palabras...prometi nunca olvidarte...

No estoy aqui, pensando en ti, escribiendo al olvido con el fin de hacerte sentir mal. Jamas podria hacerte llorar, ni una lagrima más. No se quien eres, no sabes quien soy ahora...mirate, cuanto hemos cambiado y no hay un mañana para nosotros.

No me mires, no me hables, no me busques. Dejame sobrevivir sin ti!...Ya no te amo...ya no me amas...por que atarnos a un pasado? no existen las promesas, ni los te quieros...no existe ni la amistad que alguna vez nos unió....me queman tus palabras, nos faltaron los te quieros y ahora solo nos queda un adios!....

jueves, 17 de enero de 2008

Make a wish...

When i was 7 years old, i made a wish (maybe a stupid one)- she said. That night i felt alone (as usual), i still wondering why?...i guess it was destiny and its no that i believe in planets, stars and astrology things, you know wot i mean? Yes, that night i just close my eyes, behind the black door of my room, saw at the sky it was red ,the wind keep whispering and after breaking down in tears, i prayed with all my hopes in the hands, with my hearth between red skies and myself, i did, i wished one day i fall in love with the perfect guy (in my own concept).
Wots was my perfect guy? Humm...well, no a typical stupid charm prince, no! that wasnt for me...I dint want the good looking guy withouth a single clue of wot it was a mathematical problem, i didnt ask the perfect mummie's boy, the great big brother neither the perfect lover, that was too boring for me..thats wot a stupid girl would ask...wot that stupid seven years old wished that night..it was something for real, i wanted a deep person, problems all around, bipolar, depressing, stone, freak mind, unusual thoughts, bad behavior, smart and antiromantic guy...nothing usual for a sever years old girl..but that was the perfect one for me..
Why that dramatic stuffs, right? why i asked that? Simple, when ur 7 years old..u wish something good for you...if i had someone like that..obviously i was gonna fall in love but all the problems and bad moods it would break me apart, make me fall out love and never have a breaking heart, that feelings u heard since ur lil, the hole in the chest, the night tears and all the drama perfect scene.
Results? When your 7 years old...u dont have and idea of wot ur asking for...beware next time, thats my advice. Obvisouly, when u get you u want ur gonna suffer. It doesnt matter wot type of person u asked, no matter wot someone eventually will break your heart, maybe is not gonna be that wish but someone is gonna make you feel bad. Im still running from be just another girl with a broken heart. Coz when ur hearth is broke...join the club of midnights calls to someone u know, hours of tears infront of a mirror, minutes talking to ur walls and going crazy, wot about the stupid notes in the old diary, long walks at night while someone from ur past phoned u just to say i still love you, ur more than that, the funny part: u listened more than 1000 sad songs just to feel someone is broke inside like you, the fakes smiling to ur friends, the no problem excuses just to stay at ur room reading ur thoughst and drawing his face, thousand of newspapers in ur door with his name on it, changing hair, atmosphere, running away, cuting, taking more than 3 pills per day, writing more than 200 poems about it, waking up in tears, parying every night wishing this time u find some peaceful for youself...but at the end...every pain no matter how deep it could be gives u straight and experience.
In this life, people said ur gonna have 3 types of love. Love number one: ur true love, yes it does exist. That one is gonna take away ur breath, make you smile everyday, show you wots real love, but eventually broke ur heart why? perfect love doesnt exist, someone needs to break you , i guess so.
Type number 2: More than true love, that one is gonna make u feel like firs type but also stay there no matter wot, the feelings is gonna get more and more deep, this time maybe ur gonna cry, maybe ur gonna wish to die, why? the love is too deep and pure that not everyone gets the chance to keep it, sometimes u need to lost to win something better, althought sometimes u could make a great mistake.
Type number 3: The one that is gonna no only love you but also stay with you forever,. Distance?, time? language? religion? politcal views? traditions? wots that? he is there, and will be forever. He is gonna be that one that finally fights for you, that is gonna be there with all his hearth, why? this time is not only love is destiny, yes i do believe in destiny. This guy needs you as u need him, love you as you love him, if u crawl he crawl, if u jump he jump with you, if ur sad he is sad with you, if u need time hes is gonna be around, if u smile he is gonna kiss you, if u stay in silence he is gonna talk for hours, if ur angry he is gonna be at silence, if ur anxious he is gonna run with you for hours, if ur confused he is gonna make a mental map, tell u all the pros and bad things about ur problem, if u think ur falling out of love he is gonna be closest to you, if u love him more thant u thought he is gonna be away from you, he is gonna kiss you, hug you, love you, live with you and for you. He is gonna be that one, maybe no the ideal seven eyars old type, maybe no the best guy in this world, but he is gonna be that one, and ull know by just looking his eyes, watching him smiling at you, watching how no matter if theres a beautiful girl behind you, who cares? ur the only one, he is not gonna run away, he i gonna stay, fight and never ask you impossible things such as time, he will hurt you but also repair you, he is gonna be ur friend forever, coz he is gonna be that one, you never dream but now is become ur dream, amazing right? well, thats wot people said...i dunno if is true, but when i was 7 years old i made a wrong wish, had i find that type of guy? i dunno, maybe i did, maybe i havemt? had someone broke my heart 4 the very first time? yep, it happened to me...but, u learn from pain, your wot u wanna be..maybe ill never find the perfect guy, maybe i dont need it, all i want is someone to love me, to hurt me and reapir me, someone true to me, no time, no distance, no excuses, if u love me u do, if u dont, u just dont...life is a journey, and im in the middle of mine, if someone is gonna love me for real it will...so i guess it was an stupid 7 years old wish, but one thing is true...i do believe in love and destiny...and ill find that one 4 me...and fight for him and ill know he is the one 4 me, coz he is not gonna runaway and stay to fight with me...no matter wot.